Accounts Receivable
182. Explain ‘Customer/Vendor
Master Records.’
There are three categories of data
maintained in a typical master record for a customer:
Code Data
Area Data (for customers)/Purchasing Organization Data (for vendors)
Figure 40: Vendor Master—Various
General Data includes general
information such as account number, name, telephone, bank
information, trading partner, vendor
(if the customer is also a vendor), group key, bank key, bank
account, alternate payee, etc., which
are common to all the Company Codes using this master.
Company Code Data comprises terms of
payment, payment methods, tolerance group, clearing
with vendor, dunning data (dunning
procedure, dunning recipient, dunning block, dunning clerk,
etc.), reconciliation account, sort key,
sales area (purchasing organization in the case of vendor
master), head office, etc. Except for
sales (purchasing) related information, all other details are
usually maintained for the finance
people who can also access the sales data when the master is
maintained ‘centrally.’
Sales Area Data in the Company Code
area of a Customer master record contains the following:
data (sales district, sales office, sales group, customer group, etc.)
data (pricing group, pricing procedure, etc.)
data (shipping strategy, delivery priority, etc.)
data (payment terms (different from the payment terms maintained at the
Company Code level), account assignment
group, etc.)
Organization Data in
the Company Code area of a Vendor master record contains
the following:
(order currency, payment terms, Incoterms, minimum order value, etc.)
data (a/c with Vendor)
data (as in the screen shot below)
During creation of a master record, the
system checks for ‘duplicates’ for the same customer
which is achieved by the system through
the ‘Search-Id’ (Match Code) configured on the
customer’s address information.
As in the case of the GL account master
record, the creation of the customer/ vendor master
record is also controlled by the ‘Account
Group,’ which is called ‘Customer Account
Group/Vendor Account
and controls the numbering of
customer/vendor master records, field status,
whether an account is a regular one or a ‘One-
Time’ account, etc.
table as spreadsheet Activity
In Accounting Centrally
Customer Vendor
Customer Vendor
Create FD01 FK01 XD01 XK01
Change FD02 FK02 XD02 XK02
Display FD03 FK03 XD03 XK03
Block/Unblock FD05 FK05 XD05 XK05
Mark for Deletion FD06 FK06 XD06 XK06
Figure 41: Purchasing Data
183. Who is an ‘Alternate
A customer who pays on behalf of
another customer is known as an ‘Alternate Payee’ (or
Alternate Payer). Though the
alternate payee pays on behalf of another, the system maintains
all the transaction details in the
account of the original customer. Designating ‘alternate payee’
does not absolve the customer of
his/her obligation for payment.
The ‘alternate payee’ can be maintained
in Client-specific data or in the Company Code area.
When maintained in the Company Code
area you can use that payer only in that Company Code;
if defined at the Client level you can
use it across all Company Codes.
There are three ways to ‘select’ the
alternate payee when an invoice is processed:
1. The alternate payee (say, 1000)
entered in the customer master record is the one
selected by the system as the default.
2. When there is more than one
alternate payer (say, 1000, 1900, 2100, etc.) defined for a
single customer in the master record
(you will do this by clicking on the ‘allowed payer’
button and create more than one payer),
you may select a payer (say, 2100) (other than
the default, 1000) while processing the
invoice. Now the system will ignore the alternate
payer (1000) coming from the master
3. If you have put a check mark in the ‘individual
entries’ check box in the ‘alternate payer in
document’ section in the customer
master record, then this will allow you to propose a new
alternate payer, say, 3000 (other than
those already defined in the system). Now, after
defining this alternate payer you can
use it to process the invoice. In this case, the
alternate payer (3000) takes precedence
over the payers (1000 and 2100) in step 1 and 2
184. What is the ‘Trading
Partner’ concept?
The ‘Trading Partner’ concept is
used to settle and reconcile ‘inter-company transactions,’ both
sales and purchases. This is generally
achieved by entering the Company-ID (not the Company
Code) to which a customer belongs in
the ‘trading partner’ field under the tab ‘Account Control’ in
the customer master record. You can do
a similar entry in the vendor master record.
185. Explain ‘Tolerance’
in Transaction Processing.
‘Tolerances’ are defined in the
system to facilitate dealing with the differences arising out of
accounting transactions and to instruct
the system on how to proceed further. Normally, you
define tolerances (either in ‘absolute
terms’ or in ‘percentages’) beyond which the system will not
allow you to post a document should
there be a difference.
In SAP, tolerances are defined per
Company Code and there are several types:
account clearing tolerance
You will define an ‘employee tolerance
group’ in the system and assign the employees to these
groups. While defining the tolerance
group you will specify:
1. Upper limits for various posting
per document
per open account item
discount, in percentage
2. Permitted payment differences
How much over or under payment an
employee is allowed to process. This is defined both in
absolute values and in percentages.
Figure 42: FI Tolerance Group for
Besides defining the above two, at the
Company Code level, you will also define similar
tolerances for customer/vendor
tolerance group. Once defined, each of the customers
(vendors) is assigned to one of these
groups. Here also, you define the ‘permitted payment
Figure 43: Customer/Vendor
While processing, the system compares
the tolerance of an employee against the customer
tolerance (or vendor tolerance or the
GL) and applies the most restrictive of the two.
186. What is ‘Dual
Control’ in Master Records?
‘Dual Control’ helps to prevent
unauthorized changes to the important and ‘sensitive’ fields in the
master records in the system. (All such
sensitive fields are defined in the Table T055F when
customizing the application. And these
fields are defined per Company Code and per Client.)
Consider, for example, a sensitive
field such as ‘payment block’ in a vendor master record.
When a user changes this field’s content,
the system requires another user (usually of higher
authority) to approve this change and
an audit trail is maintained of all such changes. Unless '
the change is approved, in this
example, this particular master is blocked by the system for
considering the same in the next ‘payment
table as spreadsheet Activity
Customer Vendor
Display changes (accounting area) FD04
Display changes (centrally) XD04 XK04
Confirm changes, individually FD08 FK08
Confirm changes, in a list FD09 FK09
187. What is a ‘Bank
Director’ in SAP?
SAP stores the master data (details
such as bank key, bank name, bank country, bank address,
and so on) relating to the banks in the
‘Bank Directory’ (Table: BNKA). Remember, the ‘bank
masters’ are not created in the
application but in the implementation side using the IMG. (Of
course, you can also create the bank
master in the application side in FI-TR and not in FI-GL or
AP or AR.) However, if you are in the
process of creating a master record for a vendor or a
customer and you enter some bank
details, which the system does not find in the ‘Bank
Directory,’ then the system
automatically brings in the relevant screens for you to maintain and
update the bank details in the bank
You may create the bank directory in
two ways:
1. Manually (IMG path: Financial
Accounting>Bank Accounting>Bank Accounts>Define
‘House Banks’)
2. Automatically (by importing
the bank details using a special program)
188. What is a ‘House
A ‘House Bank’ is the bank (or
financial institution) in which the Company Code in question
keeps its money and does the
transactions from. A house bank in SAP is identified by a 5-
character alphanumeric code. You can
have any number of house banks for your Company Code,
and the details of all these house
banks are available in the ‘bank directory.’
Figure 44: Bank directory
Each ‘house bank’ in the system is
associated with a country key (U.S., IN, etc.) representing
the country where the bank is located,
and a unique country specific code called a ‘bank key.’
The system makes use of both the ‘country
key’ and the ‘bank key’ to identify a ‘house bank.’
For each
of the ‘house banks,’ you can maintain more than one bank account; each such
account is identified by an account
ID; i.e., Chek1, Check2, Pybl1, etc. Here, ‘Chek1’ may
denote Checking account 1, ‘Pybl1’ may
denote Payables account 1, and so on. You may
name the accounts in a way that it is
easily comprehensible. The ‘Account ID’ is referenced
in the customer/vendor master record
and it is used in the payment program by the system.
For each ‘account
ID’ you will also specify the bank account number (maximum length
of this identifier is 18 characters).
You may name this in such a way that it is also easily
For each ‘bank
account number’ so defined in the ‘house bank,’ you need to create a GL
account master record, and while doing
so you will incorporate the ‘house bank id’ and the
‘account id’ in that particular GL
master record.
189. Explain a ‘Sales
Cycle’ in SAP.
A ‘Sales Cycle’ comprises all
activities including quotation/inquiry, sales order, delivery, billing,
and collection. The following are the
various processes within SAP that complete a sales cycle:
Figure 45: Sales Cycle
Typically, the following are the
documents created during a sales cycle:
190. Explain ‘Automatic
Account Assignment’ in SD.
During goods issue in the sales cycle,
the system is usually configured to update the relevant GL
accounts automatically and to create
the relevant accounting documents. This customization in
IMG is also called material account
assignment and is achieved through a number of steps as
detailed below:
1. Determine ‘valuation level’ (Company
Code or plant).
2. Activate ‘valuation grouping code’
and link it with the ‘chart of accounts’ for each
‘valuation area.’
3. Link ‘valuation class’ with ‘material
type’ (FERT, HAWA, HALB, etc.) with the ‘account
category reference’ (combination of
valuation classes).
4. Maintain ‘account modification codes’
for ‘movement types.’
5. Link ‘account modification codes’
with ‘process keys’ (transaction/event keys).
6. Maintain a GL account for a given
combination of ‘chart of accounts’+ ‘valuation grouping
code ‘+’ account modification code ‘+’
valuation classes.’
Figure 46: Automatic account determination
in a sales cycle
The process of Automatic Account
Determination is as follows:
1. Depending on the ‘plant’ entered
during goods issue (GI), the ‘Company Code’ is
determined by the system which in turn
determines the relevant ‘Chart of Accounts.’
2. The plant thus entered in goods
issue determines the ‘valuation class’ and then the
‘valuation grouping code.’
3. The ‘valuation class’ is determined
from the ‘material master.’
4. Since the ‘account modification code’
is assigned to a ‘process key’ which is already
linked to a ‘movement type,’ the ‘transaction
key’ (DIF, GBB, AUM, BSX, etc.) determines
the ‘GL account’ as posting
transactions are predefined for each ‘movement type’ in
‘inventory management.’
super material thanks